Posted: 02nd Feb, 2008 By: MarkJ
The Japanese vice-minister for communications policy, Kiyooshi Mori, has said that the UK must set a deadline for rollout of next generation broadband services to ensure delivery:
At an address to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), Kiyooshi Mori, Japanese vice-minister for communications policy, said that Japan had already rolled out 100Mbps fibre broadband to 85% of households.
"Studies showed that the ICT industry accounts for 40% of real Japanese GDP," Mori said. "This helped the government realise the importance of starting a programmme for ubiquitous access with a deadline."
Mori said the government had also introduced competition policies to make it easy for new ISPs to enter the market and to achieve open shared access to networks. As a result, the price of broadband is 0.07 dollars per 100Kbps compared with the UK's 0.69 dollars.
We note that the final figures refer to advertised broadband speeds and not actual performance. Meanwhile Japan expects to complete its rollout by 2011. More @
Computer Weekly.