Posted: 01st Nov, 2004 By: MarkJ
Iomart is offering business customers a years free broadband, but only provided they subscribe to its NetIntelligence security product. The news comes on the same day as BT and Iomart sign a managed broadband solution deal:
BT Wholesale today announced the first contract win for its re-launched managed broadband solution, BroadbandScope, with Glasgow-based internet security & web services provider iomart.
BroadbandScope is designed to give customers a fast, cost effective and flexible means to becoming a supplier of broadband services. The service offers customers the opportunity to pick and mix their own customised portfolio to fit their specific business needs. Customers can select from a range of component services, including connectivity, customer help desk, equipment, sales and marketing support and others.
Uniquely, iomart will be offering the broadband service free of charge for 12 months to customers subscribing to their NetIntelligence Secure package, which provides a range of mail filtering, monitoring and reporting capabilities, that are designed to protect their company email systems from viruses, spam and phishers.
We note that the NetIntelligence product costs £29.99 per month, although it's unclear how much the entire service will cost after the first year has elapsed.