Posted: 02nd Feb, 2004 By: MarkJ
Monday mornings are always slow, so we've uploaded a new article in the form of an interview that we conducted with AOL UK's Director of Communications, Jonathan Lambeth. The interview covers SPAM, dialup, broadband and includes reader submitted questions.
Sample quote:
14. SALVADOR: At the moment you can report spam emails, but I don't see any changes - I still get spam emails from the very same people I keep reporting. So, will AOL improve the filtering of e-mails / make it easier to block spam?
Your spam reports do influence our blocking policies but it is a complex process and not always perfect - we are continually refining it however.
Yes - the next version of the AOL software will be much more powerful at fighting spam, using Bayesian maths to learn what you believe is spam, as well as offering a spam folder for filtering out suspect emails. We will give customers greater ability to decide what they want to see and what they want to block.