Posted: 30th Mar, 2004 By: MarkJ
ADSLGuide has spotted that the
Public Policy Forum (PPF) is running a debate on the role and future of broadband Internet access in our (UK) society:
Members have identified that Broadband Aggregation, the regeneration of local economies and broadband in the community our the topics of major interest currently. So PPF in partnership with eGovernment Bulletin, will be holding an online debate "Broadband horizons: releasing the public service potential" from the 29th March to 2nd April.
Key points for debate
Making connections: aggregation and access to networks
Would Regional Aggregation Bodies (RABs) be more effective if they could speculatively buy capacity, instead of being restricted to an intermediary negotiator role?
How well will the work of the regional bodies dovetail with existing programmes to overhaul the networking infrastructure of health and education services?
How should RABs work with local community, voluntary and charitable groups?
How long will it take for the whole of the UK to have access to broadband?