Posted: 04th Jun, 2004 By: MarkJ
New research from
Telewest Broadband has found that most web cam using Brits are shunning salubrious acts online and opting for good manners instead. One in five men would rather converse with the Queen than a super model:
Rude Britannia? Why Brits dont want to do the dirty online
With over 1.5 million people* in the UK currently using them at home and stars such as Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher relying on them to keep their love alive, a new study into webcam habits by cable company Telewest Broadband has shown that Brits are shunning salubrious acts online and opting for good manners instead.
When put under the spotlight, only 5% of webcam owners would admit to Dirty Den style antics to spice up their love life via their webcam. Even more surprising, when asked who they would like a webcam encounter with, Brit males maintained a stiff upper lip, spurning the likes of Jordan (11%**), Jennifer Elison (14%**) and Nell McAndrew (12%**), with one in five** favouring the Queen.
Similarly one in five women would rather have a webcam chat with Tony Blair rather than film hunk Orlando Bloom (13%).
As the webcam becomes less of a novelty, it seems the naughty potential of the cameras, made famous by films such as American Pie, is being overlooked. Almost 9 out of 10 respondents used their webcam for harmless, face-to-face catch-ups with friends and family.
Good manners were also placed firmly high on the agenda, especially when talking to strangers, an absolute must for 42% of Brits.
To help consumers through the online minefield of webcam etiquette, experts from LIVINGtvs hit show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy UK are on hand to help. The Fab Five have given their top tips to ensure disaster-free webcam usage:
1. Never, ever eat or lick your fingers while webcamming when talking to a stranger this could be easily misunderstood
2. Keep the lighting soft, desk clutter free and turn the music down to keep the focus on you
3. Sit still and don't start moving around or fiddling with your clothes - viewers will wonder what you're doing
4. Make sure you look clean and tidy and don't wear glasses if you can help it, the reflection on the lenses is not flattering
5. Wear something with a reasonably high neck so that you don't look as if you are naked
Chad Raube, director of internet services at Telewest Broadband, added: As more people are getting hooked up to broadband internet, its no wonder that as a nation were becoming obsessed with webiquette.