Posted: 16th Nov, 2003 By: MarkJ
The UK broadband satellite ISP Smile Broadband has begun taking pre-registrations for Macintosh (Mac) computer friendly one-way (satellite downloads, dialup ISP uploads) packages:
One-Way Satellite Broadband soon to be available for the Mac
We are pleased to announce that we are now only a few weeks away from our mac-ready one-way satellite broadband system.
We are now taking pre-registrations for customers who wish to be contacted and/or signup as soon as we start shipping -
It is expected that the pricing of the system will be the same as the PC version.
We shall announce more information here in the coming days.
Please call us on 0870 777 6543 and speak to a member of our Satellite Broadband Team for further information.By example, Smile currently charges £21 +vat per month for a 256Kbps one-way PC friendly option.