Posted: 06th Nov, 2003 By: MarkJ
Telewest has blamed online viruses for helping to frighten potential broadband Internet access customers away from the service, which has still managed to grow (see previous news item):
In its financial results for the third quarter of this year, Telewest blamed the effect of malicious code for lost broadband users, along with house moves and teething problems with a backend system. Telewest argues the effect of viruses on its business is part of a wider trend of malicious code, spam and other Internet nuisances turning consumers away from the Internet.
"Broadband churn rose in the [third] quarter to 14.7 percent due mainly to three issues which affected the early part of the quarter; a much publicised increase in virus activity, stability issues following an email platform upgrade and the seasonal effect of increased customer property moves in the summer months," Telewest told investors.It's easy to see why, especially when much of the news media remained dominated with stories of such problems.
Sadly these concerns are very real and do often require a degree of technical competence to understand, something that recent Internet adopters may have difficulty with. More @