Been with BT for many many years. They never supplied our neighbourhood with any kind of fibre broadband not even FTTC. We’re reliant on very slow copper ADSL, that rarely gets 8-10Mbps. We can’t work from home, study from home, download movies, zoom, or do gaming. For the last few years they’ve been saying we’d get full fibre within 12 months. It never happened, now our area has been completely removed from Openreach build plans. We’d be more than happy with basic fibre but they won’t give us any kind of fibre.
Seems they will only supply full fibre to places with existing fibre. We’ve got no fibre at all, they missed our village out which is inbetween two large towns, which both have fibre. So if you ain’t got BT fibre now you’ll never get it! Not at all happy with BT.
Time With Provider: 15 Years
Package Name: Standard