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The following page displays a list of all the broadband ISP reviews posted by Graham1872 (display name) to this system. Reviews can be edited by both the author and admins.

ISP Reviews by Graham1872

 TalkTalk (Broadband Fixed Line)
Posted: 17th Jan, 2022    By: Graham1872
Full Star Half Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star
Been with Talk Talk for two years. The service was on until 9 months ago, when the broadband started to drop off frequently.

That's when the problems with TT started...

They use a foreign call centre, and unfortunately the operators first language isn't English, and I genuinely struggled to get them to understand the issue.

After hours on the phone, and countless line checks, they eventually agreed with me that the router needed to be replaced and a new one would be with me in 3-5 working days.

10 days, and no router, so I called again only to be told there was no record of a router order to be sent out. Quite simply, bare faced lying.

I then had to go back through all the line testing etc again, and was told (no laughing) , "Yes we've found the problem, it's your browser cache, you need to clear it"....😡

At this point I'd had enough, and asked to raise a formal complaint, which was basically ignored at first. Eventually they acknowledged I had a right to raise a complaint, but only after I'd logged it with OFCOM.

It took 4 weeks to resolve this and eventually the complaints department sent out a new router which fixed the problem.

It only took 4 months!

My contact is up in a few weeks, and I'm now looking elsewhere.

Speed is fine, but for customer service, it's definitely a one star.

Personally I'd avoid this ISP.

Time With Provider: 104 Weeks
Package Name:
Full Star Full Star Half Star Empty Star Empty Star
Full Star Full Star Half Star Empty Star Empty Star
Half Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star
Half Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star
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