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The following page displays a list of all the broadband ISP reviews posted by Jimbo1954 (display name) to this system. Reviews can be edited by both the author and admins.

ISP Reviews by Jimbo1954

 CIX (Broadband Fixed Line)
Posted: 10th Aug, 2018    By: Jimbo1954
Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Half Star
I've been with CIX, and their previous incarnation ICUK, for more years than I can remember. There have been problems, mostly due to OpenReach engineers not being able to read a patching plan, but in general, the service has been at least OK, at best outstanding, especially given the pricing. I especially like the fact that in the rare event of an issue, I can call a UK service desk and talk to a human being.

They also have the customer's best interests at heart. I spent days emailing back and forth with their service desk recently, trying to work out if I could go FTTC (I can't, the Cab is too far away and so the minimal speed benefits and lack of link stability made it a non-starter), and even considering FTTP (available, but beyond my budget). The guy I spoke to, Leslie, was helpful, knowledgeable and didn't hit me over the head with a stick when after days of conversation, I said I was going, reluctantly, to stay with what I have got.

They have served me well.

Time With Provider: 6 Years
Package Name:
Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Half Star
Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Half Star
Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Half Star
Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Half Star
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