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Angelus's Review for TalkTalk Business

 TalkTalk Business (Broadband Fixed Line)
Posted: 15th Sep, 2010    By: Angelus
Half Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star
Title: Cheap and cheerless
I used to be with Nildram. Nildram was a small ISP focusing on the B2B market, and their service was superb in every respect. Even after they got bought by a succession of ever-bigger fish, including Tiscali, it was still effectively running an independent, superb operation. Then Carphone Warehouse bought Tiscali and so Nildram's services were rebranded as Opal, and all of a sudden I am in ADSL hell.

All I'm trying to do now is find out what my FUP limit is - Opal's FUP has 2 different limits according to whether you are "in their area" or not. I don't know, my customer area on their website (which says I have a dial-up account) doesn't know, someone from customer support had no idea that there was a 2-tier FUP, and now whenever I call try to find out, I get put on hold, which after a few minutes throws me back into "your call is important to use" land. If I email they can't locate my account or some such excuse.

Oh, and my connection is now unstable. It doesn't usually die completely, and when it's working I get the maximum bandwidth my line can support, but several times an hour the connection freezes up. Not for ages, but long enough to kill an HTTP download.

I would switch if I could, but I took up a new Nildram package with a 2-year tie-in earlier on in the year so I don't suppose I can.

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