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Ramzy's Review for TalkTalk

 TalkTalk (Broadband Fixed Line)
Posted: 07th May, 2021    By: Ramzy
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Title: Mr
I have been a customer of talktalk for a number of years, last year in July last year I was experiencing daily disconnections, sometimes unable to connect at all, I waited for 3 weeks for an engineer, he never showed up or even bothered to call, later I was promised by talktalk that I would be compensated for that AND for the weeks I had disconnections, that was an utter lie, NOT ONLY THIS DISGUSTING company did not compensate me but ACTUALLY penalised me not ONCE but TWICE for missing appointments, unbelievable BUT TRUE, SO I HAD £60 STOLEN FROM ME, but this is not a normal company, this is talktalk, many calls emails to CEO OFFICE, they did NOTHING ABOUT MY CONNECTION OR STOLEN MONEY, Let me add that all this happened when I was recovering from a major heart operation, and they always claim they prioritise vulnerable customers, what a joke, it took them 3 MONTHS to send Openreach to investigate and that was ONLY AFTER an outside organisation got involved, I have still not received the compensation I was entitled to or had the stolen money returned. I wrote to the CEO Tristia Harrison about my situation and health status, she did not even deem this customer of 13 years with a heart problem worthy of an acknowledgment let alone a response, I was not even considered a human being, neither her nor her disgusting company ever showed a trace of decency or humanity.

Time With Provider: 13 Years
Package Name: Faster Fibre
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