I say don't use them because you will be making the Internet just a bit worse. Why? They utilise IPv6 but they don't let you have a single (1) (uno) IPv6 public IP address. Please google how many IPv6 addresses are available (yes they they are here because we are running out of IPv4). Yes, they are behind CGNAT so you cannot use IPv4, I thought that's fine I can just use port forwarding on IPv6, but no. I called them and messaged them to confirm. All they say is that port forwarding happens on their end, so if you want port open .. yes you guessed it, you have to pay for premium broadband deals and then let them know what you want open. They can give you a public ip if you pick the most expensive broadband deal though, so it isn't that bad right ? ;). Well if you go this route, other ISPs will join the chase, so don't support this. Go for ISP that gives you a public IPv6 and not make you pay for it. You will be unlikely to get public IPv4 for free, but if you do, that's a bonus! I'm also disappointed with the service, unfortunately these are not really technical people so its really hard to speak with anyone and have answers to your questions, i.e. one person says that IPv6 public IP is available, but another says its not.
Time With Provider: 2 Weeks
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