Posted: 13th May, 2009 By: MarkJ
The latest April 2009 statistics from
Nielsen Online reveal that Facebook is now the most popular website in the UK, which has increased its market share from 7.2% at the same time in 2008 to 12.7% now (+5.6%). The top ten most heavily used UK web brands (below) also accounted for 45% of all UK broadband Internet time, which compares with 42% last year.
“Between just the two of them, the two most heavily used web brands - Facebook and MSN/Windows Live - account for almost 11 billion of the 48 billion minutes that Britons spend online. That’s over one in every five minutes and highlights just how competitive the online space is for both publishers and advertisers when it comes to capturing consumer attention,” says Alex Burmaster, Communications Director, EMEA, Nielsen Online.
Top 10 Most Heavily-Used UK Web Brands - Share%
1. Facebook - 12.7%
2. MSN/Windows Live - 9.2%
3. Google - 5.3%
4. eBay - 4.1%
5. Yahoo! - 3.5%
6. AOL Media Network - 3.0%
7. BBC - 2.3%
8. YouTube - 1.9%
9. Microsoft - 1.5%
10. Apple - 1.5%
In April 2009, the average Briton spent 22 hours 20 minutes online or using Internet-related applications. This represents a 34% increase on a year ago when the figure was 16 hours 36 minutes.