Posted: 01st Jun, 2009 By: MarkJ
ISPreview has just completed a new interview with
Avanti Communications, a UK based broadband satellite supplier and ISP. The interview concerns Avanti's well publicised plans to help fill Lord Carter's Digital Britain pledge of making broadband capable of 2Mbps available to everybody in the country by 2012.
However, satellite has long been dogged by a number of problems, such as high data costs (results in meagre usage allowances and a pricey service), expensive hardware/installations, unreliable performance (admittedly a lot of land-line ISPs suffer from that too) and poor latency (causes VoIP sync problems and makes fast paced multiplayer gaming nearly impossible).
To be acceptable a satellite service would thus have to go beyond its traditional limits and offer a truly affordable and flexible service, which also takes account of modern and growing levels of Internet usage (online video, multiplayer gaming, Internet voice services etc.). We put these concerns, along with some other questions, to Avanti and the results can be read by following the link below.
Avanti UK Rural Satellite-Broadband ISP Interview