Posted: 24th Jul, 2009 By: MarkJ
The UK City of Lincoln has created a new wireless broadband focused partnership with local ISP
AB Internet, which will see the provider extending its initial 'City Centre' focused Wi-Fi deployment to cover the entire city.
AB Internet's new board member, Neil Tucker, said:
“As demand for metropolitan wireless internet access explodes I am really pleased to be joining AB Internet at this stage in its growth. What makes it really special for me is the fact that AB is deploying the very first scalable wireless access networks of their kind.
This means AB Internet is operating the very first 'wireless cities' in the UK that have a truly sustainable business model and is now taking this technology and approach out of the city and turning rural broadband 'Not' spots into really 'Hot' spots, transforming the experience of local businesses and residents alike.”
The extended service will be used by city authorities (CCTV, police etc.), the university, businesses and of course residents will be able to access it too for a small fee (around £2 per day, though you will also be able to access it for 15minutes without charge).