Posted: 18th Nov, 2009 By: MarkJ

Mobile operator Orange UK (France Telecom) has come top for Mobile Broadband in YouGov's latest
Dongle Tracker survey of 4,417 adults, of which 2,181 used Mobile Broadband by means of a USB Modem (Dongle) or datacard. The result somewhat dethrones rival T-Mobile from the top spot of YouGov's earlier surveys.
Asif Aziz, Director of Broadband and Home, Orange UK said:
“Being rated as top for our mobile network operator performance is a real honour and fantastic achievement. At Orange we’re committed to delivering a consistent and high quality user experience and have shown that we also offer great value for money with propositions starting from less than £5 per month.”
Orange came top in 9 out of the 15 categories, including ease of use, staying connected, overall network coverage, value for money and - crucially - overall quality. This should also give Orange some extra ammunition to fight an ASA complaint by Three (3) , which alleged Orange does not have the best overall 3G coverage (