Posted: 01st Feb, 2010 By: MarkJ
Fluidata UK, a provider of wholesale broadband services, has released the results of an interesting benchmark test that pits various different makes and models of ADSL2+ router modems against each other. The speedtest made use of an 'up to' 24Mbps (1.3Mbps upload) capable unbundled ( LLU ) Be Broadband line.
Top 10 Fastest Broadband ADSL2+ Routers (DL / UP = Kbps)
1. Netgear DM111P (Firmware: 3.64p) DL: 18,309 UP: 1,320
2. SpeedTouch 608WL ( DL: 17,921 UP: 1,313
3. Netgear DG834 v4 (5.01.01) DL: 17,719 UP: 1,329
4. Netgear DG834 v4 (5.03.14) DL: 17,674 UP: 1,314
5. Linksys WAG160N (1.00.14) DL: 17,599 UP: 1,314
6. ZyXEL P-660R-D1 (3.40(ANZ.6)G1) DL: 17,568 UP: 1,238
7. ZyXEL P-660R-D1 (3.40(ANZ.6)G0) DL: 17,510 UP: 1,245
8. D-Link DSL-320B (UK.1.10) DL: 17,220 UP: 1,304
9. D-Link DSL-2640B (UK.4.00) DL: 17,076 UP: 1,303
10. ZyXEL P-660H-D1 (3.40(AGD.3)C0) DL: 16,586 UP: 1,235
The Thinkbroadband site has a longer top list with additional testing that helps to highlight the performance between different router makes and firmware versions. The slowest model on a BE line was the Linksys WAG54G2 (1.00.16), which could only muster a comparatively meagre download speed of 9,997Kbps (1,178Kbps upload).
However broadband performance is extremely variable and it would take many more tests via a lot of different lines before you could truly pin down a reliable pattern. Raw speed also does not reflect other areas, such as line stability and features. Never the less we find this to be a highly interesting insight.
It should be noted that the SpeedTouch 608WL, Netgear DG834 v4 and Linksys WAG160N all performed well in both tests. Many of these are traditionally cheaper models.