Posted: 29th Jun, 2010 By: MarkJ

The British run
Economist Intelligence Unit has released its latest
2010 Digital Economy Rankings (formerly known as the e-Readiness Rankings), which studies the coverage and quality of telecoms and internet / broadband infrastructure around the world. Sadly the UK doesn't even make the top 10 and instead placed a lowly 14th, one place lower than 2009 and just behind Japan.
Top 10 Countries - 2010 Digital Economy Rankings
1. Sweden
2. Denmark
3. United States
4. Finland
5. Netherlands
6. Norway
7. Hong Kong
8. Singapore
9. Australia
10. New Zealand
14. United Kingdom
Full details of the report, which surveys 70 countries, were not available at the time of writing. It did however reveal that "
connectivity" is no longer a preserve of "
rich-world" countries.