Posted: 19th Nov, 2010 By: MarkJ

Mobile operator Three (3) has let loose a bunch of so called
Human Hotspots across London, and several other UK regions, with the aim of giving people in their vicinity free broadband internet access via Wi-Fi.
It's ultimately just a crafty marketing gimmick for the providers
MiFi system, a clever device that distributes their Mobile Broadband service out to other computers (laptops, Smartphone's etc.) via a portable battery powered Wi-Fi router.
According to Three (3)'s research, more people are going online with their mobile gadgets and are in need of a strong and reliable 3G connection. The top ten places where people use their mobile gadgets the most is as follows.
1. In the living room 72%
2. In the bedroom 48%
3. At work 29%
4. On public transport 24%
5. On the toilet 14%
5. Walking 14%
7. In the bathroom 12%
8. In the garden 11%
9. At a bar/club 9%
10. While shopping 8%
Now if the thought of seeing somebody wrapped in a skin-tight white suite and holding a Meerkat gives you nightmares then we suggest you avoid the following locations. Three’s Human Hotspots will be appearing in
London (Friday Nov 19),
Cardiff (Friday Nov 26),
Bristol (Saturday Nov 27),
Nottingham (Saturday Dec 4) and
Newcastle (Saturday Dec 11).