VIDEO UK ISP Bentley Walker Shows How to Install Satellite Broadband
Posted: 06th Aug, 2011 By: MarkJ
Satellite ISP Bentley Walker has uploaded two new and wonderfully useful videos that explain in detail how to install one of the operators latest Eutelsat based Tooway KA-SAT Satellite broadband services, which could save you around £100 off the cost of having to hire an installer to do the job.
Bentley Walker Statement
Installing a Tooway system on KA Sat is a reasonably unproblematic affair, however we realise that potential customers & installers may wish to see the entire process through from beginning to end before undertaking the installation themselves.
We'd rather pay the £100 and have a cup of tea while watching somebody else do the leg work. All credit if you're brave enough to try a DIY solution and still live to tell about it.