Posted: 13th Sep, 2011 By: MarkJ

Country Land and Business Association (CLA), a lobby group for owners of land, property and businesses across England and Wales, has launched its own
Can’t Get Online Week campaign to help highlight the broadband internet connectivity difficulties being faced by rural communities.
The campaign, which will see IT and social media expert
John Popham touring rural communities in order to raise awareness of the problems, is the CLA's own unique twist on the official
Get Online Week event (runs from 30th October to 6th November 2011).
John Popham said:
"This tour is aimed at getting rural areas online and able to use social media even if they have previously come up against seemingly impossible barriers of connectivity, technology or attitude towards something new.
I believe passionately in the power of the internet to transform people’s lives for the better and I want to make sure that people, who live and work in remote rural communities don’t miss out."
CLA President, William Worsley, added:
"People and businesses in rural areas feel considerable frustration about how hard it is to get a good, reliable broadband connection.
The CLA is lobbying to ensure that every rural business and household can access a broadband connection of at least two megabits per second. During Can’t Get Online Week John Popham will demonstrate why the internet is so important to the economic and social lives of rural people."
The CLA has asked for anybody who is struggling to get online and part of a rural community in the North, East or Midlands to contact them on either
020 7460 7934 or email (if you can)