Posted: 26th Oct, 2011 By: MarkJ

Home phone and internet provider TalkTalk UK has effectively cut the price of its broadband bundles with the launch of its new
Value Line Rental service, which allows customers to pay a year in advance and thus cut the cost to
£9.50 a month instead of the usual £13.80.
As a result any customer who takes their entry-level
broadband essentials package (40GB usage, free router, free connection and unlimited evening/weekend calls to UK landlines) will now pay £5 a month for their broadband and £9.50 for the phone service (total: £14.50 a month * 12 months = £174).
Customers who wish to keep paying monthly would be charged the standard price of £5 + £13.80 per month (total: £18.80 a month * 12 months = £225.60). TalkTalk has recently been bleeding customers and this move could be one way to off-set that while the ISP hopefully attempts to resolve its well documented shortcomings with customer support and service quality.