Posted: 05th Apr, 2005 By: MarkJ
The director of, Jon Miller, has poured cynical scorn over BT's recent 5m broadband connections announcement, claiming it to be a mask for the operators falling market share:
"BTs actual broadband market share has decreased by 10 per cent in the last five months. 65 per cent of BT Wholesales five million customers are actually with other providers such as the likes of Tiscali, Wanadoo and AOL, who all offer more competitive packages.
Research from uSwitch has found that over a third (35 per cent) of Internet users surveyed, cited cost as the main reason for not having broadband access at home.
The company is urging consumers to shop around for broadband deals which are often now at the same price as dial-up. The research, conducted for uSwithch by YouGov between 11-12 December 2004 with a sample size of 2056 internet users also found that:
* more than half (52%) switched from dial up to broadband because they want to use the phone line at the same time as the net
* two fifths (42%) watch music videos and movie trailers
* one in four (25%) download mp3 files
* eight out of ten (81%) use the phone at the same time as being online
* one third (34%) listen to radio stations around the details the news in full and also has a useful cost comparison between several of the countrys biggest ISP's.