Posted: 13th Dec, 2005 By: MarkJ
The UK Internet Service Providers' Association has today announced nominees for the Internet Hero, Internet Villain and Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) Awards at the forthcoming 2006 ceremony:
The Internet Hero Award is sponsored by NTL Wholesale.
The nominees are:
* All Party Parliamentary Internet Group (APIG)
For its recommendations to amend the Computer Misuse Act (CMA) to further protect individual websites and the infrastructure of the Internet against the threat of distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks.
* Independent Office of the Telecommunications Adjudicator
For helping to develop new Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) products and processes, and for mediating working-level implementation disputes.
* Ofcom
For not wrecking the 0845 regime used to access pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Internet services.
* Ofcom
For recognising its role in ensuring that Service Providers deliver on their quality of service promises to end-users.
* Roger Darlington
For his hard work as Chairman of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) from which he retires this year.
The Internet Villain Award is sponsored by Community Internet.
The nominees are:
* Commissioner Reding
For the revision of the TV without Frontiers Directive which threatens ISPs by extending the scope of broadcasting regulation to content delivered via the Internet, in a market which is not yet fully developed.
* The European Commission
The European Commission for its inability to get through one year without producing yet another piece of Intellectual Property Legislation.
* Russia
For failing to deal with illegal websites and online abuse hosted within its borders.
* Sony BMG
For compromising the security of its customers PCs with its copyright-protecting rootkit technology.
* The UK Presidency of the European Union
For seeking EU wide data retention laws which will force ISPs and telcos to retain more data for longer without proper impact assessment.Does anybody else find it slightly unfair that Ofcom is listed twice for the hero award? As for the villain, well wed have to go for Sony, although the UKs EU presidency is a tough one to put aside =).