Posted: 03rd Jul, 2007 By: MarkJ
We've just uploaded a new monthly poll, which asks: "
Over the past 2 years, how many times have you swapped broadband ISP?". Results from the previous survey can be found below:
Does your ISP use traffic management or shaping technology?
Yes - 54.6%
Don't know - 23.6%
No - 21.7%
Total Votes = 584
We had feared that the majority of people wouldnt have known whether they were being traffic shaped/managed or not, yet in the end just a shade under 24% were uncertain as to their ISPs use of such technology. Most voters (55%) indicated that their provider was using such a system, while just 22% found otherwise.
The principals of bandwidth management have been around for awhile, yet its only in the past 12 months that theyve taken hold on a wider scale and become more common.