Posted: 03rd Mar, 2005 By: MarkJ
ADSLGuide reports that The Office of the Telecoms Adjudicator (OTA) has been called in to help resolve a local loop unbundling (LLU) related repair provision issue between
Bulldog and BT:
Mr Peter Black is the independent Telecommunications Adjudicator and he has the unenviable task of resolving disputes like this between the incumbent (BT) and its competitors. The dispute revolves around the response times and service level agreements supplied by BT to the LLU operators, and in particular how these differ from the more mainstream BT IPStream products.
Bulldog is calling for an equal level of response that matches the best response times BT can provide on its own IPStream products, which means a 20 hour time for fault rectification. This is actually the Enhanced care option that a BT IPStream provider can subscribe to, the normal standard response is 40 hours.