Posted: 08th Feb, 2005 By: MarkJ
The Independent Office of the Telecoms Adjudicator (OTA) has posted an update on the process of local loop unbundling (LLU - opening BT's exchanges to competitors). Some 31,000 lines had been unbundled so far:
The OTA update reports good progress, but variable performance in some operational areas:
* 31,000 lines had been unbundled by 31 January 2005. This number has grown from around 12,000 in May 2004. The OTA had targeted 50,000 lines by February 2005.
* Performance is behind OTA Key Performance Indicator, Right First Time, which measures delivering working service in time to meet customers' expectations. Actual delivery is variable at 50-60%, against the OTA target of 75% Right First Time by February 2005, rising to 85% in the near future.
The Telecoms Adjudicator Scheme is successfully underway, with 14 companies signed up and encouraging signs of investment commitment. LLU price reductions were implemented from 1 January 2005, with additional price reductions to follow.
However, LLU operators continue to experience operational problems and variable delivery performance is inhibiting operators' marketing plans. The Adjudicator's update makes it clear that operational performance is the key to success for LLU as order volumes grow.