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NetServices To Finish Gio?

Posted: 07th Dec, 2004 By: MarkJ
UPDATE: Gio just sent us an updated statement. UK-Bug reports that NetServices, which claims to be owed a debt of £220K from ISP Gio Internet, has confirmed its intention to have Gio wound up; some legal steps remain. Many of the affected users have reportedly chosen not to adopt one of NS's offered alternatives.

Gio has reported the filing of a counterclaim based on NS overcharging them:

While this matter is decided by the courts there will be no winding up, infact the suggestion is complete nonsense for a number of reasons, the main one being that winding up can only be considered when a company is insolvent. That simply is not the case.

Either way, none of this speculation does anything to help our customer who are experiencing real issues. As a result of the NS situation we have a significant backlog of emails, hence the delay in responding.

Updated Gio statement to ISP Review:

Netservices claim that Gio is insolvent is completely unfounded. We have filed counterclaim against Netservices for what we believe to be significant overcharging and our legal representitives are working to establish the full extent of this overcharging. The actual amount of this claim is still to be finalized although we expect it to be in the region of £860k. Obviously this puts a different complexion on the situation.

The actual number of users that have been affected by Netservices agressive action is around 800, not the 3000 or so that has been claimed elsewhere. While we appreciate that this has caused major inconvenience to some users, the actual impact on Gio as a business is minimal. This will be best illustrated when we announce our new product range at the beginning of next week.

Gio has always led the way in providing the lowest cost DSL and dialup access in the UK and we intend to raise the bar even further. Watch this space for more information.
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