Posted: 22nd Aug, 2008 By: MarkJ
During the past few weeks we've received several complaints from UK customers of
Tariam's satellite broadband service, which many were transferred to following Arimiska's (Ouranos Networks) demise in 2006.
The system appears to be suffering from a number of unidentified connectivity problems, while others complain that customer support has frequently been unreachable or unable to provide them with a satisfactory explanation:
"We have been given nothing but Fairy Tale information," said one disgruntled customer. "Every time I try to contact them I only get voice mail and no one returns the calls."
Thankfully we have been able to gain a response from Tariam, which hopes to have the problem resolved within the next few days at the latest and explains some of what has been happening:
Obviously we take all complaints or issues of this nature very seriously.
There has been some problems on our inet platform which has effected a very small number of customers in the last few weeks on certain IP address ranges. The problem is within the Allot box in the earth station, and has occurred as a result of a firmware upgrade. We have done our best to keep customers posted as much as possible, but the problem is on part of the network outside our immediate control and it has been difficult to give those customers effected the answers they want to hear. We understand that the problem should be rectified in the next few days at the latest, hopefully in the next 24 hours.
You can be assured that Tariam is in the best of health, and continues to grow its business. Tariam is an unborrowed company and does not rely on venture capital or other outside investors as Aramiska did. We currently have fixed site contracts in 25 countries and our customer base includes some of the largest Utility and Energy Companies in the world.
Our new Homenet platform was launched 6 weeks ago, and sales continue to be extremely brisk. This is the first 2 way satellite broadband product available in Europe with self install and 2 Mb download speed for 55 Euro a month. Hardware is only Euro 518.
For those unable to access a land-line or mobile broadband link, satellite is often the only high-speed choice left open, short of reverting back to an aging dialup link. This can be especially problematic for remote businesses, which suffer due to a lack of network redundancy in areas where alternatives simply do not exist.
However, those residents in such isolated locations should keep an eye on the coverage of
Mobile Broadband services. These are fast showing an ability to reach areas that land-lines cannot and act as a cheaper alternative to satellite where available.