Posted: 02nd Mar, 2004 By: MarkJ
The European Media Forum (EMF) has published a new BT sponsored report - '
Always on, Changing Britain', which urges the UK government to do more in support of broadband, especially in rural areas:
Sociologist Professor Frank Furedi reckons that Governments should play a more active role in the universal provision of Internet infrastructure.
"The aim should be to secure broadband access on fair terms and at competitive prices to all communities regardless of location. The British government has set the target for having 100 per cent broadband coverage by 2005. However this is likely to require more than exhortation to reach all the one in six of the population that are at present not served by DSL or cable access," he writes.
And he reckons that the UK could learn a thing or two by looking at how other countries have approached the roll-out of broadband. Last month, that tack was effectively ruled out by Ofcom boss David Currie who insisted that the Government should rely on good-old competition to deliver true broadband services.Countless reports have urged the government to do more, although few have had any real impact of significance.
In our humble opinion, the greatest future threat to broadband would be from those that believe the current growth is adequate and needs no further assistance. More @
The Register.