Continental Researchs spring 2004 'Internet Report' finds that the number of broadband Internet connections has risen from 750,000 in 2002 to a current figure of 3.6 million:
Promotion of Broadband services by telecoms companies is clearly paying dividends, with take-up in homes having leapt in just two years from 750,000 to a current figure of 3.6m, according to Continental Researchs Spring 2004 Internet Report*.
Colin Shaddick, director at Continental Research, said: With 12.6m homes now connected to the Internet there is a still a huge opportunity available for telecoms companies to persuade people to up-grade onto faster connections, especially as we are seeing a strong interest and demand by consumers to do so.
Amongst all those connecting via a regular telephone line (nine million homes) there is strong interest to upgrade to Broadband, with nearly three in ten (27%) expressing some likelihood that they would upgrade to a faster connection within the next 12 months.
Shaddick added: From this data it can be estimated that of the nine million homes currently connected to the Internet via a regular telephone line that just over 1.2 million homes are likely to up-grade to a faster connection in the next six to 12 months. Therefore in the next six to 12 months the number of UK homes with Broadband should reach 4.8 million, indicating demand is still high.