Posted: 17th Jun, 2004 By: MarkJ
ISP is offering its 25 hours unmetered dialup per week package (Access25) at £1.25 for the first month or 5 months for £25.25: launches new packages
Today UK based ISP launched an incredible new deal allowing new users to sign up to their Access25 package for only £1.25 for the first month or are offering 5 months access for £25.25 which work out at only £5.05 per month.
"We are aware of the transfer to broadband that is happening up and down the country and we feel that as an ISP we should still provide and maintain a low cost high quality dial up service for those that still want and need it. are committed to keeping PSTN access low and ensuring it stays low we buy, ports at a cheap cost and are firm believers in keeping these at an all time low. Using dial up access has never been so cheap with
The Access25 package is a market leader and we are upfront about the package ensuring all of our users know from that start what they receive, with 25 hours per week at only £8.50 you cant go wrong.
The new offers we have introduced this week allowing user to try the package for £1.25 and the £25.25 package is a strong indication of our future plans as we drive down dial up prices."
For further information on the Access25 package or any of the