Posted: 03rd Apr, 2003 By: MarkJ
The high-street computer and video games store, GAME, is about to become the latest broadband success story by replacing its aging ISDN infrastructure with a broadband alternative:
'We deployed ISDN six years ago in the UK and it served us very well,' said GAME IT director Antony Harris.
'We have been looking for a broadband solution for the stores for quite some time, but there were many limitations such as not being able to get an SLA. When you have something the business is dependent upon, you need a guarantee.'
Systems integrator Prime Business Solutions is implementing Tiscali's Centris Retail solution for GAME. Harris believes the new capabilities will allow the company to communicate and share resources with its shops much more effectively.The
VNUNet item notes that GAME hasnt released any comparative pricing, yet they do state a 'significant' saving.