Posted: 11th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has today welcomed the governments amendment to the so called 'Internet Snooping Charter' (see this mornings news):
Responding to the Home Office's Access to Communications Data: Respecting Privacy and Protecting the Public from Crime, Dr. Ian Kearns, Head of ippr's Digital Society Programme and adviser to the Home Secretary on data communications issues, said:
"The public should feel reassured by the publication of today's Home Office consultation paper which deals with access to phone, internet and e-mail records. The new policy framework contains both new limitations on access to traffic data for many public authorities and additional safeguards against misuse or abuse of communications data. That it achieves this while protecting our capacity to fight crime is evidence that the right balance has been struck.
Many of those who opposed the so called 'snooper's charter' last summer will be able to read this document and feel that the government has listened and responded to their concerns.
Moreover, since the document goes out of its way to invite a wider debate on what else the government can do to enhance privacy in a sensible way, the consultation period will be a major opportunity for a new national dialogue around these issues."