Posted: 07th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
UK ISP FireFly, a popular
SurfAnyTime (SAT) spin-off, has today announced a special offer to anybody interested in becoming a vISP (virtual ISP):
FireFly are pleased to announce that throughout March, you can become a VISP without attracting a set-up charge.
This is an ideal route to market ISP services and gain a foothold in the ever increasing broadband market.
FireFly's Virtual ISP (VISP) service is a turnkey solution that enables an organisation, group or company to differentiate themselves in the market by providing them with the capability to create ISP service offerings to their end-users. Virtual ISP is a complimentary service to FireFly's managed modem and dedicated access services. Additionally, the Virtual ISP suite of applications and supporting services can be fully branded to the customer's specifications.
FireFly's suite of Virtual ISP services is fully brandable. Service Providers can leverage their brand name to reach the market without investing in equipment and a qualified technical staff. Companies can maintain focus on their competencies while utilizing FireFly Virtual ISP services to provide Internet access and services to their customers. You can generate new revenue streams by providing targeted marketing opportunities to advertisers and cross-promoting ISP services with your core business.
FireFly is continuously developing new applications to enhance the Virtual ISP offering. FireFly's Virtual ISP service can be offered over a variety of access methods. Virtual ISP services can be offered over dedicated access, dial access (such as v.90 and ISDN) and consumer broadband access.
Minimal time to market
The Virtual ISP services are built on a flexible and reliable platform. Standard Application Programming Interfaces and well defined integration processes afford FireFly the ability to automate the branding process. Service Providers can quickly deploy services to minimize time-to-market.
For more details, see