Posted: 12th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
UK Internet domain registry Nominet has finally published the results of its recent Policy Advisory Board (PAB) 2003 election:
Perhaps the biggest surprise is proud non-techie Hazel Pegg polling 61 votes and coming second only to PAB chairman Peter Gradwell with 76. Coming third and fourth with 56 votes a piece were consumers' champion Sebastien Lahtinen and current PAB member Clive Feather.
The votes for Mr Lahtinen and Ms Pegg will be a shock to many, especially since they come at the expense of serious businessman Frank Rejwan, Angus Hanton and Adam Beaumont.
It will no doubt be taken as a sign that Nominet members are fearful of the increasing control that governments and big business seem to be having over the Internet.More @
The Register.