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Post Office Reviews

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geof's Review for Post Office

 Post Office (Broadband Fixed Line)
Posted: 05th Jun, 2020    By: geof
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Title: Very Poor Reliability and Service
I have no complaint about the broadband speed provided. It is similar to that from previous broadband providers.

However, the reliability of the Post Office broadband service and their customer service are both terrible.

I have used the Post Office broadband service now for 3 months. Almost every day, the broadband connection drops, but restarts after 10-15 minutes. Recently, it has started dropping more frequently – 9 times today and counting. I had no such problems with my previous broadband providers. The Zycel hub provided by PO offers no help. Indeed, it shows the Internet connection as being up when it clearly isn’t.

I did manage (eventually) to contact Post Office Broadband customer service. Their script was clearly designed to try to find some way in which this might be my fault rather than theirs. Even when the fault occurs when the PO Hub (and only that hub is connected) to the NTE test socket – they are still hoping it is my fault.

And what did they do to clear the fault? Precisely NOTHING. They simply asked me to wait 3 days and hope that it clears itself.

I am currently looking to early-cancel the current contract. It will be a waste of £160, but at least I might end up with a usable Broadband connection.

Time With Provider: 12 Weeks
Package Name: Unlimited Broadband - 12 month contract
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