Posted: 20th Oct, 2009 By: MarkJ

It's been a long time coming but UK ISP Zen Internet has finally announced the launch of its faster broadband ADSL2+ based services offering download speeds of 'up to' 20Mbps and upload speeds of 'up to' 1Mbps. Trials of the new service, which makes use of the BT 21st Century Network ( 21CN ) platform, were successfully completed at the end of the summer.
Zen's actual package prices and usage allowances appear to remain largely unchanged by the move, except for the obvious increase in speed from 'up to' 8Mbps to 20Mbps. Existing customers will be migrated on to the new platform as and when coverage permits, albeit at the limited rate of around 3000 per month (Zen has just under 100,000 customers -
Top 10).
Andrew Saunders, Head of Product Management and Marketing, Zen Internet:
"Zen Internet was one of the first ISPs to embrace broadband technology in the UK and the launch of these new faster services marks another significant milestone for us. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that we are able to provide them at no extra cost to the customer whilst maintaining our award winning service and support.
We are retaining our one month rolling contract and will not be charging any extra for the new services. We never have, and never will, traffic shape a customer connection, ensuring customers experience the new faster speeds at whatever time of day."
New customers that are connected to a BT 21CN enabled exchange will be provisioned on to the 20Mbps service straightaway. Today 45% of UK homes and businesses are connected to 21CN exchanges. BT aim to extend this to 55% by Spring 2010 and 75% by Spring 2011, depending on customer demand. Those not on 21CN will still receive the old 'up to' 8Mbps speeds instead, until 21CN is enabled.
The speed any customer on a BT 21CN enabled exchange can expect to receive will, as always, depend on the distance customers are from the local BT exchange, the quality of wiring from the exchange to a customer's premises and the internal wiring within a customer’s premises and interference with any other electrical equipment within their premises.
Based on the results of Zen's trials, it is estimated that - for those who are upgraded to the new platform - the average download speed will increase by roughly 35%, although some trial users did achieve over 20Mbps. Typically ADSL2+ is capable of 'up to' 24Mbps speeds, although Zen has chosen the more realistic approach because very few would ever gain more than 20Mbps.
"Other ISPs, using the same technology, have been advertising download speeds of ‘up to 24Mbps’. BT are, however, offering download speeds of ‘up to 20Mbps’ and upload speeds of ‘up to 1Mbps’ for their new broadband services. Because we are using 21CN designed by BT, it makes sense that we offer the same headline speeds," said Saunders.
To mark the launch Zen are running a competition to win either a day driving supercars or relaxing in a spa. New customers signing up for the service will automatically be entered into the prize draw. All existing Zen customers also have two chances to win the same competition. Package prices start from £17.61 per month (5GB usage allowance) on a 1 month contract.