Posted: 17th Nov, 2009 By: MarkJ
Plymouth's (UK) local
The Herald newspaper reports that H2O Networks ( i3 Group ) is in talk with the local Chamber of Commerce to help build a 100Mbps next generation fibre optic ( FTTH ) broadband network in the area, provided there is demand. H2O would even cover £35million of the total £40m (£5m for a new Internet Exchange) required to build the network.
Chamber of Commerce CEO, David Parlby, said:
"We need this to deliver growth. If we don't do it the local economic strategy is not going to happen. It's fundamental if we're serious about being the finest European waterfront city, increasing jobs by 42,000 by 2026. We have to find a way."
The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce is naturally calling for local businesses and even residents to support its call and help show demand for the service. Presently the network remains just a pipe dream until a sufficient business case can be proven for H2O to invest.