Posted: 26th Apr, 2010 By: MarkJ

Broadband supplier Entanet UK, which delivers services to several vISPs around the country, has announced its active involvement in trials of both the BT fibre optic 100Mbps Fibre-to-the-Premises ( FTTP ) and existing copper line ADSL2+ Annex M (faster 2.5Mbps upload speed) based internet access services.
The Annex M service, which is now being trialled on WBC connections (method BT based ISPs use to deliver up to 24Mbps, among other things), enables the end user to 'trade off' some of their download speed in order to benefit from an increased upload speed (2.5Mbps). The trials began in March and will run into mid May.
Walter Lindsay, Managing Director of Line UK Internet, which has been taking part in the trials with Entanet, said:
"We have been very pleased with the trial of Annex M. We frequently use FTP software where the higher upload speed is particularly beneficial. The benefits don't stop there, the impact can also be seen when emailing large attachments and during remote VPN sessions. Going forward, we will be recommending Annex M to most of our customers."
Entanet’s Head of Operations, Neil Watson, said:
"The fact that BT has now selected its trial partners and the latest FTTP trials are underway is positive news. We have already experienced very positive results in the earlier Kesgrave trials."
Separately Entanet's next generation FTTP trial provides potential download speeds of up to 100Mbps and runs a fibre optic cable directly into buildings (BT intends to cover about 2.5m premises with FTTH / P technology by summer 2012). This latest programme follows on from the successful first stage trials in Kesgrave in 2008, where Entanet recorded one customer achieving 98Mbps.