Posted: 20th Oct, 2010 By: MarkJ

Communications regulator Ofcom has today launched a new consultation into the performance of its official
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) schemes, which are provided to consumers by
Otelo and
CISAS. ADR's are designed to help UK customers of broadband ISPs or phone providers get their complaints resolved.
The two schemes are fundamentally different in their approach to dispute resolution: Otelo is an
Ombudsman scheme, whereas CISAS offers a
consumer adjudication service. All UK ISPs are
required to be a member of an ADR.
In 2009, 87% of all CISAS cases were fully completed within 6 weeks, while 52% of consumers received a Provisional Conclusion from Otelo within the same period (the first of two stages in the Otelo adjudication process).
According to independent research commissioned by the schemes, 72% of those who made complaints to Otelo in 2009 were satisfied with their service, compared to 71% of those who made complaints to CISAS (complainant satisfaction with Otelo has fallen from 72% in 2009 to 48% in 2010).
Ofcom Statement
Ofcom is also obliged to keep its approval of ADR schemes under review and we have started a review of the performance of both Otelo and CISAS (including the operations, structure and rules of both organisations). This Call for Inputs provides stakeholders with the opportunity to bring to Ofcoms attention any issues that should be considered as part of this review.
In July 2010 Ofcom also announced new measures that sought to force UK broadband ISPs into making their customers more aware of the official complaint handling processes (
full details). Those changes are due to become effective from 22nd January 2011.
ADR's are typically
free to use and can order your provider to either
fix a problem or pay compensation (up to £5000). However they are
notoriously slow to reach a resolution. Likewise, consumers can usually only lodge an ADR complaint after 8 long weeks of attempting to get the problem resolved with their provider first (or less if the provider agrees to it).
More details on how to use an ADR scheme can be found in our '
ISP Complaints and Advice' section. The review itself is open for feedback until 24th November 2010.
Ofcom Review of Alternative Dispute Resolution Schemes