Posted: 02nd Nov, 2010 By: MarkJ

Broadband provider Vispa , which only recently launched its own range of 'up to' 40Mbps fibre optic ( FTTC ) based broadband packages, has today announced that it will offer a
FREE Install on all business and residential FTTC services to new customers wishing to join them.
Prices for Vispa's FTTC service start with the '
FTTC Home 25GB' package for £24.59 inc. VAT per month. This includes download speeds of up to 40Mbps, uploads of up to 10Mbps, a 25GB peak usage allowance (Unlimited Off-Peak), Static IP, Free VispaTalk VOIP Line, Five POP3/IMAP mailboxes and anti-virus/spam on a 12 month contract.
We note that the default BT installation charge is usually £75 +vat and Vispa's service also includes a VDSL broadband router. The offer will remain in place until 30/11/2010.