Posted: 22nd Dec, 2010 By: MarkJ

Breathe Internet (Breathe Networks Limited) has, after a fairly long period of relative inactivity, finally returned to launch a cheap new
unlimited 24Mbps broadband package and to give its ancient website design a new lick of paint.
The sometimes
controversial provider has also launched a new 'up to' 24Mbps "
Truly Unlimited Broadband" package, which includes unlimited evening/weekend calls to UK landlines and 0845 numbers, for only
£11.99 a month (first 3 months of service are FREE).
Steve Kaye, Managing Director for Breathe, said:
"It's been a long time coming but we had to make sure we could offer an unrivalled product and service with a great price tag. We now think we have found it, We have strategically partnered with Opal telecom and taken the same product set as our biggest competition TalkTalk.
I believe that will help Breathe to expand to over the million customer mark, which will be a very happy milestone to reach. Our new product is a bundled 'Totally Unlimited 24Mb broadband and phone' package for only £11.99 a month with free UK evening and weekend calls. To add to this we are giving it away for the first 3 months for FREE!"
The new website claims that "
line rental [is] included" in the deal, although the small print states that line rental is "
charged at BT standard line rental which is £11.54" (monthly) and customers are told that they "
must take Breathe Talk and line rental". A one off £29.99
connection fee and minimum
contract term of 18 months also applies.
However the ISP could face a significant uphill struggle, with its many past email and customer service woes leaving a very bitter taste in the mouths' of more than a few consumers.