Posted: 01st Sep, 2011 By: MarkJ

BSkyB ( Sky Broadband ) has, from today (1st September 2011), quietly stopped offering its popular 'up to' 20Mbps
Sky Broadband Unlimited package as a truly standalone option. Instead customers who want to adopt the package without taking the
Sky TV service will now be required to take
Sky Line Rental at £12.25 per month as well. Bizarrely this is still listed under "
Broadband Only" on Sky's website.
The move is unsurprising because Sky has been gradually migrating customers away from its older shared unbundled LLU (
SMPF) platform and on to its fully unbundled (
MPF) one for awhile. The SMPF service, while more costly and less flexible for Sky, allowed existing BT-based customers to adopt Sky's broadband while retaining their line rental with BT. By contrast MPF gives Sky almost total control over the line.
Sky is currently offering
6 months of half price unlimited broadband (i.e. £5 per month) when the package is taken as a bundle with the operators
Sky Talk Freetime (Inclusive UK evening and weekend calls) and
Sky Line Rental (+£11.25 per month) services; offer ends 29th September 2011.