Posted: 25th Oct, 2011 By: MarkJ

The incumbent internet and phone provider for
Hull and
East Riding (
KC (Karoo), has expanded their current
trial of superfast fibre optic broadband ( FTTH ) to include five urban high-rise blocks on
Great Thornton Street and
Cambridge Street.
The first household on Great Thornton Street are expected to be
connected by the start of November and will be offered a
free upgrade to the service, provided they agree to report back on their experiences. Speeds of up to
80Mbps with "
unlimited" downloads have been promised.
KC's Director of Consumer Services, Nick Thompson, said (Hello from Hull and East Yorkshire):"We've had great feedback from the customers we've already connected to our super fast broadband in Woodmansey, where broadband speeds were slower than average because of how far the village is from the nearest telephone exchange.
One of my favourite comments is that switching to our new fibre service was like swapping a Reliant Robin for a Ferrari. We're looking forward to bringing this amazing online experience to many more customers across the region and showing people just what KC super fast fibre optic broadband can offer them."
KC ultimately aims to make its new service, which will use both
Fibre-to-the-Home ( FTTH ) and
Fibre-to-the-Cabinet ( FTTC ) style solutions, available to
15,000 homes in the region before the end of 2012.