Posted: 07th Nov, 2011 By: MarkJ

The Managing Director (MD) of new UK ISP
Dana Pressman Tobak, has told as part of our
exclusive interview that she expects the entire country to be connected up via
ultrafast fibre optic broadband cables "
within 10-15 years" but cautioned that we are "
still a long way from this goal".
Hyperoptic's MD, Dana Pressman Tobak, told
"Right now, the UK isn’t even in the Top 20 for Fibre to the Home/Building homes passed in Europe so we have a big gap to close."
The interview, which covers everything from tackling piracy to IPv6 adoption, follows less than one month after Hyperoptic announced the
first live installation of its affordable
1Gbps (1000Mbps) capable
Fibre-to-the-Home ( FTTH ) based service at
Prices Court (
Wandsworth) in London (
Tobak also spoke about the ISPs
coverage plans and said that she recognised the "
value of broadband for rural economies and appreciate the focus on providing broadband to them". Sadly Hyperoptic is "
not currently looking at rural areas" but confirmed that they had received some related requests and are considering them on a "
case-by-case" basis.
Click this link to read the full interview and post comments: