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Today is Safer Internet Day 2012

Posted: 07th Feb, 2012 By: MarkJ
safer internet day 2012Today is officially world Safer Internet Day 2012 (SID), an annual event that aims to help educate web surfers and children about the dangers of internet use and how to stay safe online. This year's ninth event will be centred around the slogan: "Discover the digital world together... safely!".

The day is celebrated in more than 70 countries worldwide and right across the European Union. Hundreds of events have been planned to help encourage children, their families and teachers, to discover the online world together.

In the UK new research reveals that children appreciate their parents' guidance in how to navigate the online world. Some 73% of 9-16 year olds claim to benefit from talking to their parents about internet use and, contrary to popular perceptions that parents are the in dark, 68% of children say their parents always know what they are doing online.

Will Gardner, Chief Spokesperson for the UK Safer Internet Centre, said:

"We know from our work in schools that some parents are unsure of how to initiate and approach conversations with their children about what they are doing online, but Safer Internet Day aims to help make that easier. We really hope today is the day families and generations truly connect, and enjoy open dialogues about safe internet use."

The EU has also issued a bunch of useful tips to help parents and children stay safe online.
6 Tips to Help Children Use the Internet Safely

1. Talk about the internet and dedicate time to explore it together with the child. Ask the child to show them what he or she likes to do online, and try not to be shocked or overreact if they do not share the same interests.

2. Stimulate the child's creativity. Point them in the direction of the best online content to explore for their development (or just for fun). The child can learn and discover new sites, play games, write blogs, create websites. Stretch his or her imagination.

3. Set up rules or boundaries together. When\\Where\\Why and for how long can the child use their mobile phone or computer? If you listen to the child and establish fair rules, then he or she is more likely to stick to them.

4. Protect personal data and help the child understand that information or photos they put online can remain visible to everybody forever. Help them set up the highest level of privacy settings on social networks.

5. Think about using parental control tools to automatically filter certain topics (e.g. violence, porn) and limit the time the child will be able to navigate the web.

6. Avoid having a computer in the child's bedroom. Put it in the living room instead. It will make it easier to follow the child's web-surfing habits on a daily basis.
Plenty of ISPs and other organisations around the UK will be supporting today's event and you can find out more by visiting the UK Safer Internet Centre website.
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