A new alternative network builder called NIO Net LTD (NIO Group) has revealed that they intend to build and operate both a Fibre-to-the-Premise (FTTP) and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) network, which they’ll then wholesale out so that retail broadband ISPs can sell related packages on to homes and businesses.
The plan was revealed as part of the company’s request to seek Code Powers from Ofcom. Such powers are typically sought to help speed-up deployments of new fibre and cut costs, not least by reducing the number of licenses needed for street works. The powers can also help facilitate access to run their own fibre via Openreach’s existing cable ducts and poles (PIA).
At present we’ve struggled to find much information about the West Sussex based operator, although they initially appear to be planning to build in the South and South-East of England and thereafter, the rest of England, Scotland and Wales.
However, despite being incorporated in April 2019 (Companies House), we’ve so far been unable to find a website for the operator and their latest accounts were listed as being for a “Dormant Company“. The company’s sole listed director is Steven Farrell, who is also connected to various other NIO Group companies (NIO Services, NIO Consulting, Nio COMM, etc.) and many of those have been running since 2008.
Steven is somewhat of an industry veteran and has held senior positions at the John Henry Group, Technetic and Virgin Media. As such, there is some credibility behind the new direction of building FTTP, even if we don’t yet know precisely what the plan is. On the other hand, now is possibly the worst time to be starting a new AltNet to build FTTP.
They would need to change their name from NIO to something else. NIO is already commonly used for Northern Ireland Office and so may confuse people!
Google search results also seem to be dominated by results for NIO, the Chinese car company.
Good luck to them, but aren’t they aware of what’s already going on in the industry?