Posted: 24th Sep, 2004 By: MarkJ
The UK ISP for Amstrad's em@ailer device, Amserve, has helped the company achieve a pre-tax profit of £3.1m on increased sales of £12.1m:
This improvement has been brought about by an increase in sales of Amstrads's em@iler phone-cum-internet device. Over the last year Amstrad has flogged an extra 113,000 em@ilers - taking the total number sold to around 368,000.
With so many em@ilers in circulation, Amstrad is now generating around £25,000 a day in revenue from its punters who pay to use the email service. It has also racked up a number of high profile advertisers - AOL, BT, Halifax, BSkyB and OneTel - all of whom regularly advertise on the e-m@iler's dinky little screen.
Overall, Amstrad saw group pre-tax profit climb to £15.6m compared to £3.8m last year on the back of increased sales from 43.8m to £57.3m in 2004.We're still waiting for the day when somebody has the sense to introduce a similar device, but one that allows users to connect using their existing provider and e-mail address without the premium charges. More @
The Register.